Saturday 29 December 2007

Song of Aegwynn

The song of Aegwynn is known to many people who knows about Warcraft that it's a poem dedicated to the mother of the Last Guardian of Tirisfal, known as Aegwynn herself. It depicted her epic battle with the Dark Lord of the Burning Legion, Sargeras. If anyone has read the Last Guardian, they would also know that it's the key used by the late Order of Tirisfal to decipher messages sent to Medivh, the last Guardian. Each member possesses this poem, or key, which in turn can be used to translate each coded communications. I do not know if Blizzard Entertainment has made an official Song of Aegwynn, so I made my version of the Song of Aegwynn, with the help of the book The Last Guardian.

In case anyone is feeling lost about any of these terms, I shall explain it briefly. Aegwynn was a Guardian of Tirisfal in her time. The Tirisfalen is a council of high mages who fought a war against the demons who invaded Azeroth, the world we come to know of when we play the Warcraft series. Theirs was a secret society of sort, and no one knew of its existence. Magna Aegwynn (a term reserved for a great mage), was the first female mage ever, and was also the first female Guardian as well, for her predecessors were normally males. This information can be found in the World of Warcraft:Cycle of Hatred. The Guardian serves as a gatekeeper of the magic of Azeroth, and the greatest powers are conferred to them when they become Guardians. The other members of the Order of Tirisfal will often give advices or summons to the current Guardian, in a sense to safeguard him/her. After Aegwynn's victory against Sargeras, Sargeras bound himself to Aegwynn's womb, and used his dark influence to make Aegwynn come to the idea of conceiving a child, who would become a Guardian in her place. And that child would become the Last Guardian, Medivh. This part will be updated next time. Please enjoy the poem, Song of Aegwynn, below.

This poem is dedicated to the author of The Last Guardian and the Blizzard staff, who made the greatest strategy and mmorpg game ever.

The Song of Aegwynn

In ages old, the Guardians hold
the power to end demonkind.
Their greatest shine, her powers divine,
the first female Magna of all time.
Aegwynn was she named, and was credited her fame
for her defeat of the demon god Sargeras.

Cold was the path she stood upon,
when she took the demons head on.
A dragon hunt the demons sought,
but a battle with Aegwynn did they fought.
With the sharpness of blades and bitterness of death,
the bolt she summoned charred them to ashes.

Frantic and maddened the demons were,
and they summoned forth the Legion.
They tried to charge forth to finish her,
yet had no hold over her in this region.
An alliance with the dragons she had,
and they ripped into the demons' ranks.

Chanting, both demons and Guardian were,
to serve each's needs of destruction.
A bright blast of energy converged,
as Aegwynn finished her conjuration.
Demons and dragons perished under the bright light,
and t'was when Sargeras arrived!

His collosal body was made of bronze,
and he wore a black obsidian armour.
He had burning hair and huge horns,
his eyes had the Infinite Abyss' colour.
He carried a runed spear with blood that fall,
and its long tail ended in a great fireball.

The dragons fled, with two great powers left.
Aegwynn of Tirisfal, and Sargeras of Legion.
Aegwynn gathered within her all her powers,
and with a blast let Sargeras witness her prowess.
A rainbow strike thrusted into his chest,
and he fell back as he's about to face death.

The Dark Lord sought to recover his strength,
but the Guardian stopped it with another flash.
Sargera's avatar was now destroyed,
as his powers left him into the void.
As the ice cracked, he sank to doom,
and what lays beneath is now his tomb.

Tuesday 25 December 2007

Orb Chronicles Christmas Special

This is a purely fictionous short story I have written for this joyous festival. I am a freethinker and do not know if there is a Christian's concept of Santa and Christ, so I would beg for forgiveness for my ignorance if this story turns out to be as much as a blasphemy to Christians. I regret to add also that the original stories of the Orb Chronicles 1 and 2 is yet to be updated, so I would like to apologise for that as well.Please be noted that it's copyrighted by me, and so I hope no one attempts to pass this story as their own. Merry Christmas to all!

This story is dedicated to all my best friends (who are mostly Christians, lol...). You are all the greatest gifts to me in life. Merry Christmas to you all, and hope you will enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.
40 years after the Wars of the Orbs

The new castle of the human kingdom stood glowing faintly under the yellow sun. A village belonging to the trolls was built across the side of the castle's outskirts, and a vast farmfield was grown there for the troll community to harvest. Men and trolls lived harmoniously as both races shared their resources and treated each other as equals. Elven bards often travelled across the kingdoms singing praises of such harmony.

King Bogard, the benevolent ruler of the humans, had aged tremendously since the episodes of the Wars of the Orbs. His new court now consists of Elf and Dwarf ambassadors, as well as troll governors. With his crown prince made his next ruling successor, King Bogard ensured the peace of the human community.

Far to the eastern kingdoms, the Elven forests were regrown and the favoured home of Elves, Whitewoods, was rebuilt to its original design. Orcs had given up their hatred for the elves, and asked to made their home in Southern Whitewoods. The elves, being accomodating, agreed to them, and offered aid in building their homes generously. Even elvish warriors are now sent to the battle-seasoned orcs to train. Since the death of King Anarion, Loyola the Elven General was made a warrior king, and he ruled with great foresight, which was as sharp as his blades.

As for the stout-hearted dwarves, they have decided to leave the continent to their human and elf friends. With their crafty Goblin allies, they set sail to the kingdom of Shakara, and made a new home in the Wastelands of Shakara. It was turned into a enormous trading city called Bridge Spire, which eventually improved trade between its neighbours and dissolved their hatred for each other.

A new age shone of all the kingdoms and races, and all was peace and joy. And that was when one man who sees these decided that this day shall be made into a joyous occasion, to ensure everlasting peace and happiness for all races. As he dressed himself in red hat, robes and boots, he fashioned a new name for his own, "Santa Claus". "Santa" was known in the ancient dwarves' tongue as 'peace', and "Claus" was referred to in the high elven language as "joy". With that, he made his way to every kingdoms in the continent, seeking their younglings and always making jokes in front of them. He came up with a laughter that would mark his arrival, and everyone would look out of their windows to see him when he laughs," Ho ho ho!"

The elven kindred was partial to Santa, and one of their best craftsmen fashioned him an elven bell that will ring and can be heard from a distance. Loyola met Santa in his court, and took a liking to his amusing jokes. Thus, he asked his court mages to transform their deer livestocks so that their heads will have antlers, and made it a unique gift to Santa. Santa enjoyed the company of these deers, and renamed them as "reindeers", for they will be reined to his carriage in place of his horses. The elves respected him and annually gave a party to Santa for his jokes. In these parties, the elven craftsmen would make recreational tools for him so that he would be able to have fun with them. Santa saw these as an opportunity to let kids have greater joy, and that is to give them these tools. He named these tools "toys", for it meant "fun" in the elven tongue.

Using his beloved reindeers, Santa would ride in his carriage and visit the elven kingdom every year to collect new toys, and give them to the younglings of every race. Yet, he was troubled by the fact that he had neglected the Dwarves and the Goblins, for they are worlds apart, and Santa could not get to the kingdom of Shakara in time every year after delivering his toys to the humans, trolls, elves and orcs. Hence, he sought the help of the Elf king once more.

Loyola thought that the only fastest way of transportation, besides teleporting (which would require Santa to have magical abilities), is to fly. With the advice of his court mages, the Elf king commanded every mage of Whitewoods to cast a permanent levitating spell on Santa's reindeers, so that the reindeers could make his carriage fly. However, though the levitation spell worked, the reindeers could not carry the carriage as it was too heavy. The elves then made a sledge for him, with a comfortable seat to accomodate his weight, while at the same time making the sledge almost weightless so that the reindeers could carry him and the sledge.

Using all these magicals tools at his disposal, Santa moved from continent to continent, carrying a huge sack of toys to every household at the same time every year. People of every kingdom then called this day "Santa Holiday".

Many, many centuries later, when all the kingdoms were no longer existent, save for empires of men, a young man named Christ, was crucified on the very same day of Santa Holiday. Just as Santa was making his travels around the continents, he saw Christ and took pity on him, for Christ made the greatest gift of sacrificing himself, for the joy and happiness of others. Santa saw Christ's deeds were equivalent to his journey to bring peace and happiness to others, and announced publicly that this very day would no longer be called "Santa Holiday", and would be renamed "Christmas Holiday". Yet Santa was not yet satisfied, for he has not given a gift to Christ. Hence, he decided to name a coniferous tree a "Christmas Tree", to honour Christ's name. These trees would be grown everywhere, to let people know of Him and honour His' name.

And this story was passed on through many, many generations, and is now presented here, on this very joyous occasion. Merry Christmas to you readers, and a Happy New Year.

Monday 17 December 2007

Posting from London

Yeap this is my last post for my tour, and i will be back tomorrow for those who miss me... *LOL* well.. i will need quentin to lend me his com on wed again so... bro if u see this.. please call me up! and tag me haha! Cover story post will be added lol... and for the Orb Chronicles... i guess i haf to postpone to next yr zzz

Friday 14 December 2007

Posting from Paris

yo yo... this is the 3rd day in Paris for me... posting here as a online post-blog.. (who cares for post card) haha.. ok this place is awesome.. if jerold see this post, look up for me one day and i will show you the statue of Joan of Arc.. i bet u confirm remember her hehe.. anyway the name here is Jeanne d'Arc.. so yea.. i will upload the pics when i get back... so bye now haha

Monday 10 December 2007

Posting from Switzerland

People usually send postcards to help them remember their trips to different countries. But as for me, i intend to use my blog to do it haha..this post is posted from Interlaken, Switzerland. As you can expect, I`m about to embark on the day`s tour soon (their signs and keys are all different from our Singaporeans`keys, that I haf to keep finding the proper one -.- u know, their y is swapped wif z, and for ppl who are to used to typing quick, we keep forgetting we haf to change zzz) anyway, gtg soon haha.. will be tagging as manz ppl as i can..

Tuesday 27 November 2007

Being lame

yea! today's a lame day.. for a person being lame.. (not trying to make fun of lame people)

yeap that's 3 lames in a sentence above.. how about that.. lamer's advice.. go play games if you are lame... see what kind of lame score can you get, just for being lame in the lame game!

Sunday 11 November 2007

Stories N Quotes using song/game names

I only made these up for fun, with the use of song names as well as some game names.

Story: The Band of Brothers moved in unison in the posture of an Imperial March, waving farewell to their beloved families.

"Men! We have to be Aiming High, lads. You wouldn't want to be an Underdog, do you?" The commander said.

And so, the men marched Through the Fire and Flames into Hellgate, leaving behind a Trail of Broken Hearts.

As they entered the enemie's Stronghold, the soldiers swiftly deployed V3 rocket launchers and destroyed their Tower Defences.

"It is just a simple issue of Warcraft. We tear down their defence and raid their party".

Performing a quick strike at the enemy territory, one of the soldiers took out his Canon camera and took a photo of hell itself. Then, a huge fiery monstrosity came charging towards them furiously.

"Heads up! Hellboy's on the loose!"

-End of Part One- (To be continued...)

Origin of Songs/Games Name used:
Band of Brothers-Band of Brothers:Earned In Blood (game)
Imperial March-Star Wars (movie)
Aiming High-O2Jam (game)
Underdog-Beyblade G Revolution (cartoon)
Through the Fire and Flames-DragonForce (band)
Hellgate-Hellgate:London (game)
Trail of Broken Hearts-DragonForce (band)
Stronghold-Stronghold series (game)
V3-O2Jam (game)
Tower Defence (game)
Warcraft-Warcraft series (game)
Canon (classical song)
Hellboy-O2Jam (game)

Tuesday 30 October 2007

Life in Death...

It's a pretty weird topic to most, because this is something no one can ever explain scientifically... Christians attribute Death as the work of Satan, while Buddhists believe that Death is process for them to be reincarnated...

In truth the reason why I'm starting this topic is because of a few dreams of death last year... Sounds horrible ain't it? Well, it's quite funny and interesting to be honest... In fact it felt a lot like a game, so much so that my friend Jerold Tay (who is now working on animations in Singapore Polytechnic) was interested in turning my dream into an RPG sort of game *chuckle*...

Dreamland and Death... haiz... must be because I was too engrossed in Literature last year, and our Literature text is written by R.K. Narayan, where it mentioned a lot on life after dream's probably inspired by him.

Here's the dream... well i think i was actually killed by some kind of accident.. that's when i fall into some fog and i have to face a nightmare of sort... naturally it's all kind of freaky, but i took heart and hold still, until the Grim Reaper stalked towards me.. Despite his fearsome black spectral appearance, he was a good joker and talked in a humourous manner.. of course i can't see his face, let alone his mouth (is there even one...)... And so, he said," You may linger in this world, or come with me and face greater challenges ahead".. I answered (and in that time I was very heartbroken in reality)," There is nothing left in this world, so I will come with you".

Death smiled at me and embraced me. Instantly, it felt like we were lifting off the ground like a supersonic rocket, until we suddenly came to a huge and spacious building that looked like a colourful White House in Washington, plus it's extra big that it almost seemed as though it was the Jedi Temple in Star Wars.. I was fascinated by the sight of course, and Death spoke again," This is where every souls gather in peace... Welcome to Heaven". As it came to the subject of Death, which no one ever knew, I quickly asked him," Is heaven a place for good souls and is there a hell, or is it just heaven itself?" I should have known not to open my mouth, because he immediately vanished -.- ...

A basic description of heaven... It was magnificent... not a castle on clouds, rather you will feel solid ground as if you are alive... Like i said, it's almost like the White House and the Jedi Temple, but it's much bigger, like a whole empire of the Dead.. People always say there are angels in heaven, but apparently either my dreams are flawed, or I couldn't find a single one.. Instead, everywhere that I looked will be others' souls, as well as priests and monks, whom I assumed are also dead..

Heaven consisted of many halls.. when I entered its main hall, I was instantly reminded of Hogwarts Castle of Harry Potter books and movies... to the left was a sort of time chamber.. a guide had offered to guide me around and so he suggested that we take a look at it.. This chamber was a darkish blue room with a sort of reactor in its middle.. around it were chairs and equipments like headphones... I asked the guide what was the room's functions... He told me that this room allowed souls to revisit their past lifes and memories as well as look at what is going on in their families... I took a try and put on the headphone, which instantly transported me beside whom I was thinking of(a girl)...

Life in Death was like a final resting place indeed.. It's more of a place for people to self-cultivate and meditate... If ever heaven is truly a place such as this, it may not seem all that bad.. And of course, if ever a game was made to emulate my dream, it does sound very nice too...

Wednesday 24 October 2007

3D designs....3D Imaging

With the advancements of ingame details technology, MMORPGS can be a real wonder in visual and lighting effects. Games such as the popular World Of Warcraft and its expansion The Burning Crusade, Lord Of The Rings Online and its expansion Shadows of Angmar, as well as Lineage II The Chaotic Chronicles, have great 3D visual effects that makes it almost a reality. For many people, access to these games are available as long as they can afford it, but what if they can't? Well, the general answer is definitely by taking a look at the screenshots of the game. Many games' screenshots can be visually pleasing, and I've posted some of these pictures to show how 3D imaging can bring better qualities for your wallpapers and such... Like i always say, 3D Imaging=Beyond Imaginations..

your 3D reporter, signing off.

Sunday 30 September 2007


Nowadays it seems that many people are looking for new RPG games to play, especially MMORPGs. Lately my friend introduced a game called Heroes Online. This MMORPG is set in ancient China, where you can choose characters and an array of powerful skills to play as your character. The powerful 3D modelling engine requires a higher processor for this game, and so if anyone wishes to play this game, i suggest you set all the graphic details to low, so that you wouldn't lag haha.. Well, i guess that's all i should say.. dun wanna spoil it for u!

Monday 3 September 2007

Return of the Sniper

I haven't been using Dwarven Sniper for the past few months, partially because I don't have a computer to play, and also because I've been randoming into other heros. Dwarven Sniper was the hero I used when I first started Dota. Strangely, it seems many people also started out with him, probably because of the description about his range. Well, in a sense, DS is best used for sneak attacks, though if you see my items in the picture, you should know I won't do that. The Divine Rapier was made after I sold the Eye of Skadi, in case you are wondering how I get all the money. Then I slowly farmed with that damage for the other stuff. ROSHAN! PLEASE FIGHT PROPERLY!! You died so fast that I thought someone else was wacking!! :)

Saturday 25 August 2007

The song that never ends

I only did this out of boredom LOL!

This is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because... *cough* great no more voice!

Saturday 11 August 2007

Happy National Day

Well at a certain rate, this post is certainly slow haha.. cuz my country's national day falls on 9 Aug, which is 2 days ago.. But I had quite a fun time celebrating this week..

8 Aug: My school (actually all schools in Singapore) celebrated ND with a series of performances, but what attracted most people is the dance performances.. It felt almost like an Audition™ (an online dance game which my friend liked a lot) parade live.. cool moves and such.. then another class gathering for another round of celebrations.. if not for my economics teacher who chose to have a test on that day, it would have been a wonderful day to spend.. as for that test... everyone just let it be, finish up as much as they can and asked to quickly leave!

9 Aug: NDP! Some of my friends, Chalene for one, signed up to perform for NDP by coordinating with people of all ages to open up umbrellas to form a Singapore flag at a specific time on the stage.. this year's theme for NDP is also known as the City of Possibilities, and so the stage is literally built on water at Marina Bay.. Cool place, cool ideas and wonderful way to spend a good celebration for Singapore's 42nd National Day.. especially when past celebrations are held at either the National Stadium, which 'ceased to function' since last year, or the Padang.. Hail Singapore, Happy National Day!

10 Aug: Well... there are pre-festival celebrations.. and so there are post-festival celebrations! yup.. my friends and I (just 4 of us actually.. but all are my best friends..) gathered at my place for a small time gathering for fun, laughter, peace and joy, etcetra, etcetra and so on and so forth.. :) all i can say is.. thank them for coming.. I feel guilty for not spending my National Day celebration with them, as I'd always did when we were schoolmates.. and.. happy birthday to my mom..

11 Aug: The sad thing about any public holidays, is that we will have more homework.. and so I'm settling down to do my Differentiation homework and Gravitational Forces work.. *sigh*.. this is all I can say for now... Work work...

Saturday 28 July 2007


Days without handphones and computers are truely hard in these days.. and i have to suffer it zzz.. o well, at least i can update this blog at certain rare times haha.. well i've been asked by many people on how to make castles in messenger or word document.. the codes and text for it cannot be uploaded directly on here, so if any of you readers would like to have one now, just leave a comment here and I will send to you directly. Please specify if you want the messenger form or the word document form.

Saturday 21 July 2007

Rain and sunshine...

Yeap guys.. today's a rain and sunshine day for me... not literally.. rain= today i receive my midyear exams result.. a fiasco i say.. well you can imagine my mom went hysterical over it.. but im used to it... they want to keep their hopes up for me, but i lost hope in my parents 4 years ago..

SUNSHINE!! after me mam went to my dad's office, my friends came to visit me, and we watched a movie.. played card games... etc... but most of all, because of someone I would really want to see.. well I can't say much of course, so that's all for it.

Sunday 15 July 2007

Updating story

The main page to the story for the Orb of the Sacred Flames is now open. It is currently being updated, so please wait for the story to be complete.. I'm still trying to configure the page to reverse the order of posts shown..

You may search for it from Google using orb of the sacred flames for the keywords, or click here to enter the page.

It will not be posted here because it may be too long.

A fairly sick joke

Well, from my title, you can see it's a sick (well actually, very lame as well) joke.. more of a riddle haha.

Question: Why is it when guys bathe, they have to close the bathroom door?
Answer: To stop the bird (you should know lol) from flying out.

Question: Why is it when girls bathe, they have to close the bathroom door?
Answer: To stop the bird from flying in. ZZZ...

Seriously, when I heard this, I went chanting "lame lame lame" lol.. Even better, when I went home I watched a show and this girl asked her boyfriend if the bra she bought was nice, and he answered," I thought it was an eyepatch".

Haha that's all for today's lame jokes..

Friday 6 July 2007


Good day readers. I'm sorry for not being able to upload my story fast enough. As my computer has been removed, I won't be able to upload it any time soon. Fret not, it will be uploaded within this month.

Thursday 5 July 2007

Uploading the first story I ever wrote

I will be typing out the first short story I wrote last year, when I was dying of boredom during lessons which are too easy to grasp, that I have lots of spare time in my final year in Secondary school. It has been re-edited by a few of my friends who, like me, have a passion for composing essays in our English lessons. Strangely, I've always been weak in my comprehension, but tend to score well for essays. Just a bonus fact. This story never made its way to people other than my classmates and my close friends, because I felt that anyone could simply write a similar story and be proud of themselves for such an accomplishment. However, I did receive positive comments for it, so I'm dedicating this story onto another site, which will be linked from here as soon as I complete it.

The story title was first named "The Orb of the Sacred Flames", and later renamed as the "The Orb Chronicles 1-The Orb of the Sacred Flames", because before I finished writing the first story, I had ideas for its next episode and began a whole new story, but retained a few characters from its prequel, and more places. The second episode is nearing its final chapter, but due to the load of school work I have, it is not yet completed. If the story is truly good, then I will begin a concluding episode to make the Chronicles a trilogy.

A short summary of what I've written, just to give you some ideas and hopefully spark your interest in it. I agree with my friends, though, that unless you are interested in things like RPG games, or fantasy stories, you may just be in for a small time lesson of the art of medieval warfare.

The story starts off with its main character Farador, a mage trained under a member of a group of skilled warriors called the Order of the Holy Guards, named so as they are dedicated to the defence of their kingdom of Rigwald. The story progresses as a banished horde of demonic forces made their way back into the continent and attempted to destroy the kingdom as well as its allies in their wake, and according to a prophecy made a long time ago, the Orb of the Sacred Flames may stop the forthcoming doom. Farador was made the Orb-seeker by his king, to find the Orb with his retinue of expert warriors and mages, alongside the allies of Elves and Dwarves and Gripphons. As they used stealth and discretion to find the Orb, the enemy has also revealed themselves to be finding it as well for their own infarious plans. And by assembling an army, the demons might prevail by besieging the kingdoms of Humans and their allies. Will Farador succeed in his quest? Find out in the first installment- to be uploaded soon.

If anyone is looooooking forward to this, please wait a while longer. (It's about 9 chapters long)

Once again, I must warn:

All characters and places used in this story are purely fictionious. Any resemblance to other people, dead or alive, are purely coincidental.

WARNING:This story is written by Will H, and shall not be copied, modified or distributed through any means or passed as your own. Any similar actions will not be tolerated.

List of gaming sites

Here are some of the old web game sites I used to visit, and while some may seem boring, they can be fun sometimes, and you may never have heard of them either!
This list does not include MMORPGs other than browser-based MMORPG, because any site with MMORPG details will tell you all that you need.

Java Game Site :

Base Building and Strategy Game Site :

Java Game Site :
(Producer of MMORPG-Runescape)

Flash Game Site :
(Quite common, but listed here nonetheless)

Flash Game Site :

Multiple Game Site :

Shockwave Game Site :
(Quite common, but still listed here, requires updated shockwave player to use)

My stories

If you have read my profile, you will probably see that I have written my own stories. Because I did not send them to publishing, I decided to upload it here next time for everyone to read it instead and I hope that everyone will enjoy it.


First and foremost...

This blog is just simply made to store certain funny memories, as well as some jokes i might have. Y named (T)agic and me? Cuz happiness is the magical wonder people can have, and i will try to bring it to share with everyone.. of course, u might expect other things from here.. I may give an account of games as well.. well this is my first blog, hope it goes on well