Saturday 11 August 2007

Happy National Day

Well at a certain rate, this post is certainly slow haha.. cuz my country's national day falls on 9 Aug, which is 2 days ago.. But I had quite a fun time celebrating this week..

8 Aug: My school (actually all schools in Singapore) celebrated ND with a series of performances, but what attracted most people is the dance performances.. It felt almost like an Audition™ (an online dance game which my friend liked a lot) parade live.. cool moves and such.. then another class gathering for another round of celebrations.. if not for my economics teacher who chose to have a test on that day, it would have been a wonderful day to spend.. as for that test... everyone just let it be, finish up as much as they can and asked to quickly leave!

9 Aug: NDP! Some of my friends, Chalene for one, signed up to perform for NDP by coordinating with people of all ages to open up umbrellas to form a Singapore flag at a specific time on the stage.. this year's theme for NDP is also known as the City of Possibilities, and so the stage is literally built on water at Marina Bay.. Cool place, cool ideas and wonderful way to spend a good celebration for Singapore's 42nd National Day.. especially when past celebrations are held at either the National Stadium, which 'ceased to function' since last year, or the Padang.. Hail Singapore, Happy National Day!

10 Aug: Well... there are pre-festival celebrations.. and so there are post-festival celebrations! yup.. my friends and I (just 4 of us actually.. but all are my best friends..) gathered at my place for a small time gathering for fun, laughter, peace and joy, etcetra, etcetra and so on and so forth.. :) all i can say is.. thank them for coming.. I feel guilty for not spending my National Day celebration with them, as I'd always did when we were schoolmates.. and.. happy birthday to my mom..

11 Aug: The sad thing about any public holidays, is that we will have more homework.. and so I'm settling down to do my Differentiation homework and Gravitational Forces work.. *sigh*.. this is all I can say for now... Work work...

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