Tuesday 30 October 2007

Life in Death...

It's a pretty weird topic to most, because this is something no one can ever explain scientifically... Christians attribute Death as the work of Satan, while Buddhists believe that Death is process for them to be reincarnated...

In truth the reason why I'm starting this topic is because of a few dreams of death last year... Sounds horrible ain't it? Well, it's quite funny and interesting to be honest... In fact it felt a lot like a game, so much so that my friend Jerold Tay (who is now working on animations in Singapore Polytechnic) was interested in turning my dream into an RPG sort of game *chuckle*...

Dreamland and Death... haiz... must be because I was too engrossed in Literature last year, and our Literature text is written by R.K. Narayan, where it mentioned a lot on life after death..my dream's probably inspired by him.

Here's the dream... well i think i was actually killed by some kind of accident.. that's when i fall into some fog and i have to face a nightmare of sort... naturally it's all kind of freaky, but i took heart and hold still, until the Grim Reaper stalked towards me.. Despite his fearsome black spectral appearance, he was a good joker and talked in a humourous manner.. of course i can't see his face, let alone his mouth (is there even one...)... And so, he said," You may linger in this world, or come with me and face greater challenges ahead".. I answered (and in that time I was very heartbroken in reality)," There is nothing left in this world, so I will come with you".

Death smiled at me and embraced me. Instantly, it felt like we were lifting off the ground like a supersonic rocket, until we suddenly came to a huge and spacious building that looked like a colourful White House in Washington, plus it's extra big that it almost seemed as though it was the Jedi Temple in Star Wars.. I was fascinated by the sight of course, and Death spoke again," This is where every souls gather in peace... Welcome to Heaven". As it came to the subject of Death, which no one ever knew, I quickly asked him," Is heaven a place for good souls and is there a hell, or is it just heaven itself?" I should have known not to open my mouth, because he immediately vanished -.- ...

A basic description of heaven... It was magnificent... not a castle on clouds, rather you will feel solid ground as if you are alive... Like i said, it's almost like the White House and the Jedi Temple, but it's much bigger, like a whole empire of the Dead.. People always say there are angels in heaven, but apparently either my dreams are flawed, or I couldn't find a single one.. Instead, everywhere that I looked will be others' souls, as well as priests and monks, whom I assumed are also dead..

Heaven consisted of many halls.. when I entered its main hall, I was instantly reminded of Hogwarts Castle of Harry Potter books and movies... to the left was a sort of time chamber.. a guide had offered to guide me around and so he suggested that we take a look at it.. This chamber was a darkish blue room with a sort of reactor in its middle.. around it were chairs and equipments like headphones... I asked the guide what was the room's functions... He told me that this room allowed souls to revisit their past lifes and memories as well as look at what is going on in their families... I took a try and put on the headphone, which instantly transported me beside whom I was thinking of(a girl)...

Life in Death was like a final resting place indeed.. It's more of a place for people to self-cultivate and meditate... If ever heaven is truly a place such as this, it may not seem all that bad.. And of course, if ever a game was made to emulate my dream, it does sound very nice too...

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