Monday 24 March 2008

Cloud in Gunz

Well after I made the picture of Sephiroth in Gunz, I thought I should also do justice for Cloud. And here you go, Cloud Strife with his Buster Sword (it looks in bad shape though, couldnt do it well using Windows Paint). His hair looked a bit more funky lol... but it's still ok overall.. I used dungeon as the background to depict him trying to find Sephiroth in the basement of the Shinra Mansion (you will know this if you either played FF7 PS version or look out for their story). Although in Gunz, the next room is supposed to be a dungeon hall and stairs, it's supposed to depict the library of the Shinra Mansion. My tags for this picture would be Cloud chasing Sephiroth... Cloud hunting Sephiroth... Cloud in Shinra Mansion... Cloud and his buster sword.... Cloud in Gunz.. Again a disclaimer: Cloud does not exist in IJJI Gunz (if there is it aint me lol). My Cloud account has been deleted to make room for Vincent Valentine (I'm trying to make him next). O and ya, the REAL Cloud doesnt wear pants with GZ on the back lol.. but there aint another suitable pants in Gunz, so i used it for him.. This picture really took a lot out of me, because I have to modify the original Gunz armour to make it have what looks like Cloud's shoulder guard, and change the armour to a vest (both of which are not available in actual Gunz).. Hope you like the picture and feel free to comment.

Saturday 15 March 2008

Sephiroth in Gunz

Yup Sephiroth in Gunz... I made a picture of him in the MMORPG GunZ the Duel (N.A-Ijji). The end result is just right at the header and here in this post... Feel free to express your views about this picture!
Comments by the maker (which is me): If you are all wondering, I actually made this using only Windows Paint. Took me half an hour to do it.. I don't have the money to buy Photoshop equipments so ya.... My tags for this picture would be-Sephiroth paying his respects to Jenova....Sephiroth and Jenova...Sephiroth in Gunz... The statue is in this context, Jenova lol (looks like anyway if you played FF7). Anyway I will try to 'up' his level in future lol.. and make it to 50 (which is the level he appears as in the original FF7 game). O and don't bother searching for Sephiroth in the GunZ high scores, because my character name is actually Sephiroth XII, and the rest of the pictures are done by using my main-Amornica and my other male character-MasterKenobi.