Saturday 28 July 2007


Days without handphones and computers are truely hard in these days.. and i have to suffer it zzz.. o well, at least i can update this blog at certain rare times haha.. well i've been asked by many people on how to make castles in messenger or word document.. the codes and text for it cannot be uploaded directly on here, so if any of you readers would like to have one now, just leave a comment here and I will send to you directly. Please specify if you want the messenger form or the word document form.

Saturday 21 July 2007

Rain and sunshine...

Yeap guys.. today's a rain and sunshine day for me... not literally.. rain= today i receive my midyear exams result.. a fiasco i say.. well you can imagine my mom went hysterical over it.. but im used to it... they want to keep their hopes up for me, but i lost hope in my parents 4 years ago..

SUNSHINE!! after me mam went to my dad's office, my friends came to visit me, and we watched a movie.. played card games... etc... but most of all, because of someone I would really want to see.. well I can't say much of course, so that's all for it.

Sunday 15 July 2007

Updating story

The main page to the story for the Orb of the Sacred Flames is now open. It is currently being updated, so please wait for the story to be complete.. I'm still trying to configure the page to reverse the order of posts shown..

You may search for it from Google using orb of the sacred flames for the keywords, or click here to enter the page.

It will not be posted here because it may be too long.

A fairly sick joke

Well, from my title, you can see it's a sick (well actually, very lame as well) joke.. more of a riddle haha.

Question: Why is it when guys bathe, they have to close the bathroom door?
Answer: To stop the bird (you should know lol) from flying out.

Question: Why is it when girls bathe, they have to close the bathroom door?
Answer: To stop the bird from flying in. ZZZ...

Seriously, when I heard this, I went chanting "lame lame lame" lol.. Even better, when I went home I watched a show and this girl asked her boyfriend if the bra she bought was nice, and he answered," I thought it was an eyepatch".

Haha that's all for today's lame jokes..

Friday 6 July 2007


Good day readers. I'm sorry for not being able to upload my story fast enough. As my computer has been removed, I won't be able to upload it any time soon. Fret not, it will be uploaded within this month.

Thursday 5 July 2007

Uploading the first story I ever wrote

I will be typing out the first short story I wrote last year, when I was dying of boredom during lessons which are too easy to grasp, that I have lots of spare time in my final year in Secondary school. It has been re-edited by a few of my friends who, like me, have a passion for composing essays in our English lessons. Strangely, I've always been weak in my comprehension, but tend to score well for essays. Just a bonus fact. This story never made its way to people other than my classmates and my close friends, because I felt that anyone could simply write a similar story and be proud of themselves for such an accomplishment. However, I did receive positive comments for it, so I'm dedicating this story onto another site, which will be linked from here as soon as I complete it.

The story title was first named "The Orb of the Sacred Flames", and later renamed as the "The Orb Chronicles 1-The Orb of the Sacred Flames", because before I finished writing the first story, I had ideas for its next episode and began a whole new story, but retained a few characters from its prequel, and more places. The second episode is nearing its final chapter, but due to the load of school work I have, it is not yet completed. If the story is truly good, then I will begin a concluding episode to make the Chronicles a trilogy.

A short summary of what I've written, just to give you some ideas and hopefully spark your interest in it. I agree with my friends, though, that unless you are interested in things like RPG games, or fantasy stories, you may just be in for a small time lesson of the art of medieval warfare.

The story starts off with its main character Farador, a mage trained under a member of a group of skilled warriors called the Order of the Holy Guards, named so as they are dedicated to the defence of their kingdom of Rigwald. The story progresses as a banished horde of demonic forces made their way back into the continent and attempted to destroy the kingdom as well as its allies in their wake, and according to a prophecy made a long time ago, the Orb of the Sacred Flames may stop the forthcoming doom. Farador was made the Orb-seeker by his king, to find the Orb with his retinue of expert warriors and mages, alongside the allies of Elves and Dwarves and Gripphons. As they used stealth and discretion to find the Orb, the enemy has also revealed themselves to be finding it as well for their own infarious plans. And by assembling an army, the demons might prevail by besieging the kingdoms of Humans and their allies. Will Farador succeed in his quest? Find out in the first installment- to be uploaded soon.

If anyone is looooooking forward to this, please wait a while longer. (It's about 9 chapters long)

Once again, I must warn:

All characters and places used in this story are purely fictionious. Any resemblance to other people, dead or alive, are purely coincidental.

WARNING:This story is written by Will H, and shall not be copied, modified or distributed through any means or passed as your own. Any similar actions will not be tolerated.

List of gaming sites

Here are some of the old web game sites I used to visit, and while some may seem boring, they can be fun sometimes, and you may never have heard of them either!
This list does not include MMORPGs other than browser-based MMORPG, because any site with MMORPG details will tell you all that you need.

Java Game Site :

Base Building and Strategy Game Site :

Java Game Site :
(Producer of MMORPG-Runescape)

Flash Game Site :
(Quite common, but listed here nonetheless)

Flash Game Site :

Multiple Game Site :

Shockwave Game Site :
(Quite common, but still listed here, requires updated shockwave player to use)

My stories

If you have read my profile, you will probably see that I have written my own stories. Because I did not send them to publishing, I decided to upload it here next time for everyone to read it instead and I hope that everyone will enjoy it.


First and foremost...

This blog is just simply made to store certain funny memories, as well as some jokes i might have. Y named (T)agic and me? Cuz happiness is the magical wonder people can have, and i will try to bring it to share with everyone.. of course, u might expect other things from here.. I may give an account of games as well.. well this is my first blog, hope it goes on well