Saturday 29 December 2007

Song of Aegwynn

The song of Aegwynn is known to many people who knows about Warcraft that it's a poem dedicated to the mother of the Last Guardian of Tirisfal, known as Aegwynn herself. It depicted her epic battle with the Dark Lord of the Burning Legion, Sargeras. If anyone has read the Last Guardian, they would also know that it's the key used by the late Order of Tirisfal to decipher messages sent to Medivh, the last Guardian. Each member possesses this poem, or key, which in turn can be used to translate each coded communications. I do not know if Blizzard Entertainment has made an official Song of Aegwynn, so I made my version of the Song of Aegwynn, with the help of the book The Last Guardian.

In case anyone is feeling lost about any of these terms, I shall explain it briefly. Aegwynn was a Guardian of Tirisfal in her time. The Tirisfalen is a council of high mages who fought a war against the demons who invaded Azeroth, the world we come to know of when we play the Warcraft series. Theirs was a secret society of sort, and no one knew of its existence. Magna Aegwynn (a term reserved for a great mage), was the first female mage ever, and was also the first female Guardian as well, for her predecessors were normally males. This information can be found in the World of Warcraft:Cycle of Hatred. The Guardian serves as a gatekeeper of the magic of Azeroth, and the greatest powers are conferred to them when they become Guardians. The other members of the Order of Tirisfal will often give advices or summons to the current Guardian, in a sense to safeguard him/her. After Aegwynn's victory against Sargeras, Sargeras bound himself to Aegwynn's womb, and used his dark influence to make Aegwynn come to the idea of conceiving a child, who would become a Guardian in her place. And that child would become the Last Guardian, Medivh. This part will be updated next time. Please enjoy the poem, Song of Aegwynn, below.

This poem is dedicated to the author of The Last Guardian and the Blizzard staff, who made the greatest strategy and mmorpg game ever.

The Song of Aegwynn

In ages old, the Guardians hold
the power to end demonkind.
Their greatest shine, her powers divine,
the first female Magna of all time.
Aegwynn was she named, and was credited her fame
for her defeat of the demon god Sargeras.

Cold was the path she stood upon,
when she took the demons head on.
A dragon hunt the demons sought,
but a battle with Aegwynn did they fought.
With the sharpness of blades and bitterness of death,
the bolt she summoned charred them to ashes.

Frantic and maddened the demons were,
and they summoned forth the Legion.
They tried to charge forth to finish her,
yet had no hold over her in this region.
An alliance with the dragons she had,
and they ripped into the demons' ranks.

Chanting, both demons and Guardian were,
to serve each's needs of destruction.
A bright blast of energy converged,
as Aegwynn finished her conjuration.
Demons and dragons perished under the bright light,
and t'was when Sargeras arrived!

His collosal body was made of bronze,
and he wore a black obsidian armour.
He had burning hair and huge horns,
his eyes had the Infinite Abyss' colour.
He carried a runed spear with blood that fall,
and its long tail ended in a great fireball.

The dragons fled, with two great powers left.
Aegwynn of Tirisfal, and Sargeras of Legion.
Aegwynn gathered within her all her powers,
and with a blast let Sargeras witness her prowess.
A rainbow strike thrusted into his chest,
and he fell back as he's about to face death.

The Dark Lord sought to recover his strength,
but the Guardian stopped it with another flash.
Sargera's avatar was now destroyed,
as his powers left him into the void.
As the ice cracked, he sank to doom,
and what lays beneath is now his tomb.

Tuesday 25 December 2007

Orb Chronicles Christmas Special

This is a purely fictionous short story I have written for this joyous festival. I am a freethinker and do not know if there is a Christian's concept of Santa and Christ, so I would beg for forgiveness for my ignorance if this story turns out to be as much as a blasphemy to Christians. I regret to add also that the original stories of the Orb Chronicles 1 and 2 is yet to be updated, so I would like to apologise for that as well.Please be noted that it's copyrighted by me, and so I hope no one attempts to pass this story as their own. Merry Christmas to all!

This story is dedicated to all my best friends (who are mostly Christians, lol...). You are all the greatest gifts to me in life. Merry Christmas to you all, and hope you will enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.
40 years after the Wars of the Orbs

The new castle of the human kingdom stood glowing faintly under the yellow sun. A village belonging to the trolls was built across the side of the castle's outskirts, and a vast farmfield was grown there for the troll community to harvest. Men and trolls lived harmoniously as both races shared their resources and treated each other as equals. Elven bards often travelled across the kingdoms singing praises of such harmony.

King Bogard, the benevolent ruler of the humans, had aged tremendously since the episodes of the Wars of the Orbs. His new court now consists of Elf and Dwarf ambassadors, as well as troll governors. With his crown prince made his next ruling successor, King Bogard ensured the peace of the human community.

Far to the eastern kingdoms, the Elven forests were regrown and the favoured home of Elves, Whitewoods, was rebuilt to its original design. Orcs had given up their hatred for the elves, and asked to made their home in Southern Whitewoods. The elves, being accomodating, agreed to them, and offered aid in building their homes generously. Even elvish warriors are now sent to the battle-seasoned orcs to train. Since the death of King Anarion, Loyola the Elven General was made a warrior king, and he ruled with great foresight, which was as sharp as his blades.

As for the stout-hearted dwarves, they have decided to leave the continent to their human and elf friends. With their crafty Goblin allies, they set sail to the kingdom of Shakara, and made a new home in the Wastelands of Shakara. It was turned into a enormous trading city called Bridge Spire, which eventually improved trade between its neighbours and dissolved their hatred for each other.

A new age shone of all the kingdoms and races, and all was peace and joy. And that was when one man who sees these decided that this day shall be made into a joyous occasion, to ensure everlasting peace and happiness for all races. As he dressed himself in red hat, robes and boots, he fashioned a new name for his own, "Santa Claus". "Santa" was known in the ancient dwarves' tongue as 'peace', and "Claus" was referred to in the high elven language as "joy". With that, he made his way to every kingdoms in the continent, seeking their younglings and always making jokes in front of them. He came up with a laughter that would mark his arrival, and everyone would look out of their windows to see him when he laughs," Ho ho ho!"

The elven kindred was partial to Santa, and one of their best craftsmen fashioned him an elven bell that will ring and can be heard from a distance. Loyola met Santa in his court, and took a liking to his amusing jokes. Thus, he asked his court mages to transform their deer livestocks so that their heads will have antlers, and made it a unique gift to Santa. Santa enjoyed the company of these deers, and renamed them as "reindeers", for they will be reined to his carriage in place of his horses. The elves respected him and annually gave a party to Santa for his jokes. In these parties, the elven craftsmen would make recreational tools for him so that he would be able to have fun with them. Santa saw these as an opportunity to let kids have greater joy, and that is to give them these tools. He named these tools "toys", for it meant "fun" in the elven tongue.

Using his beloved reindeers, Santa would ride in his carriage and visit the elven kingdom every year to collect new toys, and give them to the younglings of every race. Yet, he was troubled by the fact that he had neglected the Dwarves and the Goblins, for they are worlds apart, and Santa could not get to the kingdom of Shakara in time every year after delivering his toys to the humans, trolls, elves and orcs. Hence, he sought the help of the Elf king once more.

Loyola thought that the only fastest way of transportation, besides teleporting (which would require Santa to have magical abilities), is to fly. With the advice of his court mages, the Elf king commanded every mage of Whitewoods to cast a permanent levitating spell on Santa's reindeers, so that the reindeers could make his carriage fly. However, though the levitation spell worked, the reindeers could not carry the carriage as it was too heavy. The elves then made a sledge for him, with a comfortable seat to accomodate his weight, while at the same time making the sledge almost weightless so that the reindeers could carry him and the sledge.

Using all these magicals tools at his disposal, Santa moved from continent to continent, carrying a huge sack of toys to every household at the same time every year. People of every kingdom then called this day "Santa Holiday".

Many, many centuries later, when all the kingdoms were no longer existent, save for empires of men, a young man named Christ, was crucified on the very same day of Santa Holiday. Just as Santa was making his travels around the continents, he saw Christ and took pity on him, for Christ made the greatest gift of sacrificing himself, for the joy and happiness of others. Santa saw Christ's deeds were equivalent to his journey to bring peace and happiness to others, and announced publicly that this very day would no longer be called "Santa Holiday", and would be renamed "Christmas Holiday". Yet Santa was not yet satisfied, for he has not given a gift to Christ. Hence, he decided to name a coniferous tree a "Christmas Tree", to honour Christ's name. These trees would be grown everywhere, to let people know of Him and honour His' name.

And this story was passed on through many, many generations, and is now presented here, on this very joyous occasion. Merry Christmas to you readers, and a Happy New Year.

Monday 17 December 2007

Posting from London

Yeap this is my last post for my tour, and i will be back tomorrow for those who miss me... *LOL* well.. i will need quentin to lend me his com on wed again so... bro if u see this.. please call me up! and tag me haha! Cover story post will be added lol... and for the Orb Chronicles... i guess i haf to postpone to next yr zzz

Friday 14 December 2007

Posting from Paris

yo yo... this is the 3rd day in Paris for me... posting here as a online post-blog.. (who cares for post card) haha.. ok this place is awesome.. if jerold see this post, look up for me one day and i will show you the statue of Joan of Arc.. i bet u confirm remember her hehe.. anyway the name here is Jeanne d'Arc.. so yea.. i will upload the pics when i get back... so bye now haha

Monday 10 December 2007

Posting from Switzerland

People usually send postcards to help them remember their trips to different countries. But as for me, i intend to use my blog to do it haha..this post is posted from Interlaken, Switzerland. As you can expect, I`m about to embark on the day`s tour soon (their signs and keys are all different from our Singaporeans`keys, that I haf to keep finding the proper one -.- u know, their y is swapped wif z, and for ppl who are to used to typing quick, we keep forgetting we haf to change zzz) anyway, gtg soon haha.. will be tagging as manz ppl as i can..